Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Singing in the Studio

I feel more energized now that I am painting more often.  Boy, I just don't know what happens to me sometimes.  For a while, pulling out the paints was agony.  Even today it was a little tough to get started, but once I did everything seemed to flow.

I even hooked up the music so while the paint went on I did some singing and rocking.

Two minute sketches are still the most fun for me.  They are the biggest challenge.

However, lately I've noticed that my confidence has dropped and instead of one sure line I may have three or four hesitant ones.  I think I was measuring too much.

Measuring is okay for the longer poses, but it's a bit of a waste on these short ones.  Like I said, it looks better to put down a few bold lines that are wrong than some wimpy ones that are carefully placed.

In my opinion attitude means a great deal in the way a drawing turns out.

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