Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day One Thirty Day Marketing Challenge

 The Leslie Saeta  30 Day Marketing Challenge starts today.  Am I ready? NO!  Do I care? YES!

Today's challenge is to start an art marketing group.  In a way I am already doing this. We meet every Thursday in Multnomah Village with a group called Alla Prima Portland.  The topics are varied (not necessarily marketing) but all relate to art, and generally focus on art that can be accomplished in one sitting.

You can bring some examples of your work to share with the others.  Everyone is able to add his or her comments in turn.  And since the setting is in a restaurant you can have some breakfast at the same time!

It's a great group of artists and I'm lucky to be able to sit next to them and absorb some of their wisdom.

Three Color Pencil 13 x 10
After Robert Liberace
I drew this one from the Robert Liberace (what a great artist) reference on his DVD.  I would love to take a workshop with him some day.

This is a three color pencil on watercolor paper.  It was sized first with shellac and then toned just as Liberace instructed on his DVD.  I think the background could have been cooled down a bit and lightened.

If you get a chance to view any of his DVDs, I highly recommend them.

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