Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Irresistible Force

British Regular
Oil 14X11
Photo by Artist
I love it when the model is in authentic apparel. This man represents the threat which the United States faced at its founding.  He carried an impressive rifle; he had my attention.  He also carried himself with a confident attitude.  He plays the role so well that I get an unsettling feeling like I'm in a time warp (beam me back Scotty).  I can't wait to see him in action at the encampment which his group holds each summer.

I start a lot of paintings monochromatically.  Sometimes the color seems to never get added.  I just keep rendering and there is always just one more thing that needs touching up.  Before long time runs out and there still wasn't enough to get to all the items I wanted to.

However, this is a good thing.  I believe that more can be learned with one color and a time limit.  Time limits keep me more focused; there is no time to allow distractions to have a foothold.  Too much time allows me to get out the small brushes and start to fuss.

But the best thing about a time limit is the challenge.  You attack the painting.  You become involved at a higher energy level.  You're in a race.  I feel like I'm running, but my feet are standing still.  And when it's all over, I let out a long breath and take a look.  It's a fantastic mental and emotional workout.

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